Monday Blahs, Let's Flip the Script!

Happy Monday! Well, Happy rainy Monday here! It feels good to start a new week because last week just felt weird. I don't know about you, but I felt off the past, I don't know, 2 weeks, it seems.

So, I tried some different things to help me get out of my funk. I am a full believer in if you aren’t happy, it’s time to change something. 

Although, right now in this unprecedented and uncertain time (to quote all the bullshit commercials out there, look, Dominos or Consumers Energy, I’m not looking for you to support me. Fuck.), it’s not the easiest thing to change what you aren’t happy about.

Here are the things I did and can control:

  1. I wrote, but I didn’t publish anything. Why, because I needed to get my thoughts out there, but they didn’t feel like I wanted them to, so I kept them to myself. Hey, news flash, everyone: not everything you think has to come out of your mouth. 

  1. I made and ate food that I haven’t had in years. I made a freaking meatloaf and you know what it was damn, good. Like super good. With homemade mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. I made sure that day, I had plenty of calories left, so this would fit right into my calorie count. Try something new or something you haven’t had in years. Now is a great time to bust out of a rut. 

  1. I put myself on a personal challenge, part physical, part mental. I am using the Miracle Morning’s SAVERS (check it out here), making sure I get enough sleep (I still need to work on that), drinking a ton of water, adding in supplements, additional exercise and tracking my food. It allows me to have a focus all day. I’m using a habit tracking to help me remember all of the things. And, truth be told, I haven’t been 100% every day, nor do I expect myself to, I know myself and to quote Parks and Rec “treat yo self” is my motto. I’m still in the middle of the challenge, so I don’t know the results or what exactly I think of this. 

  1. I did a workout one day that I normally would avoid and frankly, kinda hate. I did a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout. I do not like to breathe heavy, I think it's that asthmatic in me. High intensity will do just that.  But, it broke up the workouts for the week and made me appreciate the workouts I do love. 

This is not the perfect fix to everything in my life going on right now, but it’s things I can control and feel good about. Right now, trying to feel good and happy for myself is what I can do. 

What have you been doing these past couple months to keep your sanity? Let me know below! 

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