Deprivation All Day, Every Day. Hard Pass.

Deprivation All Day, Every Day. Hard Pass.

In my never-ending quest to become healthier,  more fit, and have better wellness overall, I see a ton of deprivation created to help people with their wellness goals. Different diets, approaches, etc.  I know for me personally I don't do well with deprivation and it is not something I even want to do. I want to be able to have a cookie, a glass of wine, and a slice of bread and butter. 

 Also, I don't want to live my life so strictly that I feel almost suffocated or even worse obsessed with every little detail of my diet and exercise routine. F all that. Don’t get me wrong, this is maybe a flaw in my personality, maybe it’s a blessing to help others suffering through the same thing feel not so alone. 

Other people who, like me,  can’t and won't tell their damn selves no every second of every day. Where the middle ground is better than perfection. Also, for those people like myself who do not find restriction fun or necessary.

I’m looking at you, fellow enneagram 7s. Holla at me, players! If you know anything about the Enneagram numbers on my 7 which means my primal fear is fear of pain which deprivation is very close to that. Deprivation doesn't sit well with me  and I don't want to do it. I’d rather be fat and happy than miserable and thin. 

Deprivation doesn’t do it for me. Putting myself on a restriction diet, oh hell to the no. If this works for you and you are happy, hell yes, keep doing what you are doing. But for me, what does work is adding things that are healthy and good for me. 

When I start adding nutrients to my diet, I find that I crave sugary, salty stuff less. But, if I want a damn donut I can still have a damn donut. Ya know. 

Actually these past couple days, I have been adding things into my diet and then to my fitness routine and that seems to be working.

 I'm adding some supplements. I'm adding more sleep. I'm adding reading and writing and mental health things. I'm adding more time for exercise and I'm adding tracking my food which you could say technically is deprivation because I don't just keep eating once I'm past my calorie count for the day.

I do think it is different because I'm getting to eat whatever I want and when those calories are gone, they’re gone. 

I am also not stupid enough to think eating whatever the hell I want is going to get me to my goals, although I know I have tried for years to do both eating what I want and trying to get fitter. #itdoesntwork

This is day 6 of adding all of the things to my life and I’m down a few pounds, I feel good and I still had a freaking quesadilla for lunch. I am possibly on the right path to finally get some balance to my health and wellness. 

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