1 Huge Life Change, 1 Super Hard Challenge, and 3 Simple Tips for for Healthier Eating

A couple of things happened this week. #1. It’s official I no longer wait tables anymore. The restaurant is open for limited seating and I am not there after 18 years. I now can strictly focus on my health and wellness business that I’ve been running for seven years, while I worked full time. I have some thoughts about what we did to get to that point financially aka another blog post, but for now, cheers to new beginnings, chapters ending, and progress!

 #2 Monday, I started the 75 Hard challenge. It’s a mental challenge with physical challenge aspects and total lifestyle change. 

With that being said, I now am tracking my calories and staying within them and no alcohol or sweets. I have been tracking with the Lose It app for months, but I usually go over my daily allowance. Very rarely is the day where I don’t. Well, until now. I’m on Day 3 of the challenge and I have stuck to it every day. 

As I said above, I struggle with eating too much and the wrong foods. I love food. For real, love it and I love trying new dishes, new restaurants. Legit when we travel I usually plan around where we are eating. Can’t miss a fabulous meal! 

This time around,  I made sure I planned and set myself for success from the very beginning, which is now. I forgot to add, with this challenge, any screw-ups start the challenge over at day 1 (have a drink, day 1. forget to do a workout, day 1). Nevermind, that you are on day 56, you’re back to day 1. 

So, I wanted to make sure I was good to begin. Here are the 3 things I did:

  1. I threw out any sweets that I only eat. Anything that Rick would eat, I left. Because we have totally different tastes, I am not as tempted by his faves.

  1. I researched recipes that were healthy, but still satisfied the delicious factor. Check out my food board on Pinterest here

Parmesan Roasted Carrots and Zucchini

3. I made snacks and easy to grab veggies. Not full-on meal prep. But, just the kind of thing you can eat when you just need something, but would normally go for a treat, just cause. I get my veggies from my local grocery store and also from Imperfect Foods and I loaded up, not just a few. 

These are my top 3 that I knew I needed to do to start off right. Out of sight, out of mind on the sweets and make healthy food more accessible. 

What tips have you found to help you when you are tweaking your nutrition? I’d love to hear about it below. I mean I have 72 more days of strict eating. Help a sister out! 

If you enjoyed this, please check my three easy peasy tips for jump-starting your health here


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