Monday Blahs, Let's Flip the Script!

Monday Blahs, Let's Flip the Script!

Happy Monday! Well, Happy rainy Monday here! It feels good to start a new week because last week just felt weird. I don't know about you, but I felt off the past, I don't know, 2 weeks, it seems.

So, I tried some different things to help me get out of my funk. I am a full believer in if you aren’t happy, it’s time to change something. 

Although, right now in this unprecedented and uncertain time (to quote all the bullshit commercials out there, look, Dominos or Consumers Energy, I’m not looking for you to support me. Fuck.), it’s not the easiest thing to change what you aren’t happy about.

Here are the things I did and can control:

  1. I wrote, but I didn’t publish anything. Why, because I needed to get my thoughts out there, but they didn’t feel like I wanted them to, so I kept them to myself. Hey, news flash, everyone: not everything you think has to come out of your mouth. 

  1. I made and ate food that I haven’t had in years. I made a freaking meatloaf and you know what it was damn, good. Like super good. With homemade mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. I made sure that day, I had plenty of calories left, so this would fit right into my calorie count. Try something new or something you haven’t had in years. Now is a great time to bust out of a rut. 

  1. I put myself on a personal challenge, part physical, part mental. I am using the Miracle Morning’s SAVERS (check it out here), making sure I get enough sleep (I still need to work on that), drinking a ton of water, adding in supplements, additional exercise and tracking my food. It allows me to have a focus all day. I’m using a habit tracking to help me remember all of the things. And, truth be told, I haven’t been 100% every day, nor do I expect myself to, I know myself and to quote Parks and Rec “treat yo self” is my motto. I’m still in the middle of the challenge, so I don’t know the results or what exactly I think of this. 

  1. I did a workout one day that I normally would avoid and frankly, kinda hate. I did a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout. I do not like to breathe heavy, I think it's that asthmatic in me. High intensity will do just that.  But, it broke up the workouts for the week and made me appreciate the workouts I do love. 

This is not the perfect fix to everything in my life going on right now, but it’s things I can control and feel good about. Right now, trying to feel good and happy for myself is what I can do. 

What have you been doing these past couple months to keep your sanity? Let me know below! 

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Strawberry Pina Colada Protein Shake

Strawberry Pina Colada Protein Shake

Nutrition is my Achilles heel as far as my health goes. I love to workout, so that's a relatively easy part for me. But, not eating junk is what I really struggle with. I love all food, the good, the bad, the ugly. If it tastes good, I want it. I also don’t want to deprive myself of anything. #annoyingpartofpersonality  

And, if I do limit myself, I will not stick to it. I have been on weight watchers, intermittent fasting, low carb, you named it. I am not knocking any of these. If they work for you, rock on! Just for me, they work when I follow it. But, I have a very hard time with a routine and follow through. I need a lot of variety and honestly, I forget to follow a plan or sometimes I just don't care.

Side note:  I absolutely hate when people bash things that are working for other people because they themselves don't love it. Stupid. Let people be who they are and we are all different, so piss off if you think we all need to be doing the same diet, routine, lifestyle, everything.

Also, none of them stick with me because after a while the glow of the “new thing” wears off and I'm back to eating whatever I want. I get bored with having the same thing, day after day. I need variety. I need my sweets. I need my salty friends. However, I am smart enough to realize the need isn’t necessarily true. It's just a want. So, in order to satisfy myself and still remain somewhat healthy, I have been making different recipes to fit both of those. 

I have been working on making a Strawberry Pina Colada protein shake this week. It's been in the 70s a couple of days in Michigan and that means summer will be here soon (crosses fingers). I’m all about tropical fun drinks when it gets warm out. Like happiness in a glass. So, I wanted to make the protein shake version of that. Because shakes are an easy way to consume your protein and quickly, plus get some fruits and veggies in your diet. Well, there are no veggies in this shake, but you get the point.

Strawberry Pina Colada Protein Shake

8 oz coconut water

2 scoops vanilla protein powder

â…“ c. frozen pineapple

â…“ c. frozen strawberries

1 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut

Add to your blender and blend it up. I used frozen pineapples and strawberries because it adds thickness to the shake and chills. But you could definitely use fresh and just add ice. Frozen eliminates that extra step. And, I love easy peasy stuff. Fewer steps, the better. 

Super quick, easy, tastes delish, and under 400 calories. 

What's your favorite protein shake recipe? I love to hear what kind of shake makes you say yum! 

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Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

We all know drinking water is good for us, good for our mind, body, and spirit. However, we don't always do what we are supposed to, now do we. We get busy, forget, have other replacements that taste better. Trust me, I struggle with all of these, too. 

Who wouldn’t rather have an ice-cold beer or strong cup of coffee instead of plain old water out of the tap? Water isn’t as sexy. Who hasn’t gotten to 10 pm and can’t think and then remember oh yeah, I've had no water today at all. I definitely have done this and worse. I also know how important it is for body function to be hydrated, so I try to work water into my day by using the following tips:

  1. Know how much you are supposed to drink and be mindful of it all day. Sometimes, just thinking about what you are supposed to do creates an action. One action leads to another action and so on. 

  2. Prep those bottles or jugs of water ahead of time. Find a container/s that equal the water you want to drink, fill them up. Then, you know once you are done with those bottles, you are done. And if you haven’t finished them, you still have more to drink. 

  3. Make your water sexy! Put in your favorite glass. Put it in a fancy glass. Like most things in life, Water just tastes better when it looks good. 

  4. Add fresh citrus fruit, berries, cucumber, mint, or some flavor drops. Or if you don’t love the sweet flavoring, add vitality oils to your water, like peppermint or lime. 

  5. Join a challenge or make a game of it. I love challenges. Especially daily ones. And, reward yourself for meeting that challenge.  Like if I can drink all my water by 5, I get x,y,z that day. Or 30 days of getting my water in, I get a pedicure or whatever you fancy. Just some kind of incentive to keep you motivated and remind you to drink up.  

  6. Make it hot. I don’t always love cold water on a cold day. So, I heat up my water and put a little lemon in it or thieves oil, an herbal tea bag, Or it’s good warmed up and left plain. 

  7. Drink at least one glass at every time you eat something. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, etc. That’s 5 glasses right there and it's not even bedtime. 

I’m going, to be honest, I wrote this part above weeks ago when I was motivated to do all the things. And, the truth is right now, I have not been drinking enough water. AT ALL! Maybe one or two glasses a day and that's only because I do it while I work out. You'd think it would be easier because I'm at home and I can do what I want when I want. Nope, I've been totally neglecting that part of my health. I'd rather have a soda or some juice or nothing. So, starting today I’m making an all-out effort to get half my body weight. I’m two glasses down for the day. One with bergamot/grapefruit drops and one glass with herbal tea. 

What are your own hydration tips? I’d love to hear what you are doing!

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